A broker proposes Satyakala as a bride for Karthiik and his status conscious mother Annapoorni agrees.

Karthik is a rich young man from Chennai. Sathyapriya starts having a crush on Karthik. Sathyakala has always been jealous of her. There is another girl in her village named Sathyakala who is also called Sathya. Satya's father does not agree to the marriage as he wants a groom that is richer than himself for Sathya.Saroja is insulted at this and leaves while cursing her family but her goodhearted uncle, Deveraj is understanding and does not hold a grudge. However, her Aunt Saroja insists that they propose the marriage anyways, as she is greedy and wants her son to marry a girl from a rich family. Sathykala has always been jealous of Sathyapriya He thinks she deserves a groom that is up Her Uncle Devaraj is not really keen on the proposal as he lives a middle class life and Satya's father is rich.

After she graduates from college, her matenal uncle Devaraj (Her mother Sampoornam's brother) and his wife Saroja pay her family a visit and propose a marriage between her and their son (her cousin Suresh). She is shown as a talented well rounded person who loves her family very much. Sathya was well educated by her father who put her through finishing school where she earned her degree. Although Satya's father loved all 3 of his daughters equally, she was his favourite and he always had a softer spot for her compared to her sisters Dharani and Anjali.

He loved his 3 daugthers very much and would go to the ends of the world to make them happy. Her father dots on her younger sisters Dharani, Anjali and her. Hence, her father believed that she was his good luck charm and she grew up with a luxurious life. However, after her birth, her father Sundaram became successful in his business and her family was well to do.

Sathyapriya, known as Sathya was born to middle class family. Any reference to the name Sathya refers to this character, Sathyapriya and not the character Sathyakala.She is the wife of Prakash and the biological daughter of Sundaram and Sampoornam. Sathyapriya Prakash (née Sundaram) is the main protagonist and female lead of the series.